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Adventure Dog Gear

Planning an “off-road” excursion with your dog? Whatever (and wherever) you have in mind—the water, the trail, or a snowy peak, these outdoor dog supplies will help your furry companion adapt to the conditions.

Dog Backpack

Every hiker over 30 pounds should carry her own snacks and water. This applies to dog hikers, too. Our Baxter Dog Backpack has 8 adjustment points and ergonomic spine support, providing a comfortable, near custom fit for dogs of all sizes. Along with plenty of storage space for outdoor dog stuff, this dog hiking backpack features a leash hook, large handle on top for human assistance, and reflective trim.

But not every dog can carry their own pack. For smaller pups or dogs with an ailment, Kurgo offers a selection of dog backpacks designed to carry your furry friend. Our G-Train Dog Carrier Backpack is made for the trail. It features a pet carrier compartment with a zip-open mesh top so your pup can take in the view, along with two water bottle sleeves and space for other hiking essentials.

Dog Boots

You’d never dream of hitting the trail without a decent pair of shoes. Why should your dog? Dog footwear will protect your pup’s paws from hot pavement, ice, and rough terrain. Kurgo’s Blaze Dog Boots are designed to replicate the structure of your dog’s pads. They’re adjustable with an ankle-cord lock and are water resistant and breathable.

Dog Coats

No matter the forecast, you and your dog should be prepared for unpredictable weather on the trail. Kurgo dog jackets and dog sweaters are designed to provide various levels of warmth and water resistance, depending on the season and thickness of your dog’s fur. For full-body warmth on chilly days, Kurgo’s Stowe Base Layer provides neck, core, and leg coverage. It can be worn alone or with another jacket, like our dog rain coat the waterproof, Halifax Rain Shell.

Dog Life Jacket

Even pups who love the water can get into trouble when overtired or the unexpected happens. A dog life jacket keeps your dog buoyant in the water, so she can stay out longer—and you can relax and enjoy your outing. Kurgo’s Surf N Turf Dog Life Jacket features a comfortable flotation layer, leash attachments, and two handles for a quick grab when you need it.

Dog Running Gear

The right dog running gear will help you and your dog stay “on task,” while eliminating some of the potential hazards of running with your dog. A dog running harness prevents the leash from getting tangled in your dog’s legs, helps reduce pulling, and gives you more control over your pup. Designed for active dogs, Kurgo’s Journey Air Harness features a durable ripstop exterior, breathable mesh inner fabric, and a V-neck for unencumbered movement. A dog running belt allows you to run and hike with your hands free. Our On-Trail Running Belt features a sliding leash clip, a water bottle, a zippered pocket with a key clip, and a handy pouch for a poop bag or other essentials.


Do dogs need coats?

Dog coats are common outdoor dog wear for pups who live in (or visit) cold-weather locales or are simply not cold tolerant, i.e., short-haired and/or lean dogs. Even cold-weather dogs like huskies get chilled if they’re wet or outside in cold temps for too long. As a rule of thumb, you should be prepared for changing weather and conditions on any outdoor adventure. Kurgo’s Loft Dog Jacket is water resistant and offers light insulation for everyday use, while the North Country Dog Coat’s more rugged design will keep your dog warm and dry on longer excursions.

Do dogs need life jackets?

Yes, if you want to relax and enjoy your day by the water with your pup. A dog life jacket is a no-brainer for breeds that aren’t strong swimmers. But even water-loving dogs can end up in life-threatening situations in the water—they get overtired, caught in a current, or tangled in underwater plants or debris.. A dog life jacket will keep them afloat until you can safely get them out of the water. In a rescue situation, Kurgo’s Surf and Turf Dog Life Jacket features reflective accents for easy spotting and two handles for quick extraction.