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​5 Hiking Dogs to Follow on Instagram

5 Hiking Dogs to Follow on Instagram

Posted by Brooke Spater on 10th May 2017

Here at Kurgo, we're all about enjoying life together with
your dog. Many people love exploring the outdoors with their pups, especially
during the warmer months. We talked with a few of our favorite Instagram
friends to see what they love most about hiking with their dogs. Here’s what
they had to say:

Atlas the Adventure Dog: @atlastheadventuredog

Favorite month to
hike with your dog:

Favorite hiking spot:
Abraham Lake, Alberta, Canada.

Best part about
hiking with your dog:
There is nothing that builds a bond between human and
canine than tackling a difficult trail together. Discovering new places and
having new experiences with your canine companion is what life is all about.
Feed that wanderlust!

Tips for people who are
new to hiking with a dog:
Put value on your environment and leave no trace
behind. We are so lucky to have such beautiful areas to explore on our planet.
Remember to keep trails clean and pick up after yourself on your journey. Never
leave behind garbage and remember to pick up after your dog.


Trust Your Trail: @trustyourtrail

Best part about
hiking with your dog:
There is nothing I love more than
adventuring with my dogs. They are a constant reminder to enjoy every moment
and live for today. They are my greatest motivators.

Favorite hiking spot:
We spend most of our time exploring Arizona, specifically the Superstition
Wilderness, Goldfield Mountains and portions of the Lower Salt River. We do our
best to find more remote and infrequently traveled trails, so we can be more
connected nature.

Dillon Senn: @dead_head93

Best part about
hiking with your dog:
The thing I love most about hiking with my dog is the
bond and connection that's created between the two of us. Your dog puts its ultimate
trust in you exploring some extreme places, and I've had to trust my dog with my
life a few times to take me through the safest route. The most incredible thing
is watching her excitement burst at the first sound of a waterfall or first
sight off a cliff or overlook. It's amazing watching her sit there taking in
the view!

Tips for people who
are new to hiking with a dog:
Become one with your dog's emotions and
signs. They'll always tell you how they are feeling whether it be
uncomfortable, excited, or relaxed. Just go out and enjoy the journey together.
That's what it's all about!

Favorite season to
hike with your dog:
My favorite season to get out with Blizzy is Fall to
watch the mountains come alive with their leaf change and summer to catch all
the best mountain swimming holes. Really any time is a great time to get out in


Girl On A Hike: @girlonahike

Best part about
hiking with your dog:
I love hiking with my dog because of the bond and
trust we create and the adventures we get to do together. Having a companion by my
side makes me feel secure and safe. I love that we do everything together -
when they say a dog is family, it's true. If I can't hike with my dog I feel
like something is missing. I love that my dog shares my love of outdoors so we
can make memories for a lifetime. I love hiking with Charlie because he just
seems so happy, and in turn, that makes me happy. There's nothing better than
having a girl's best friend along for every adventure!

Taylor Maag: @tmaagphotography

Favorite season to
hike with your dog:
Spring or Fall - I usually find the perfect temperatures
to hike are during these seasons.

Favorite hiking spot:
Uinta Mountains. There are thousands of lakes and endless terrain for us to
get lost in.

Best part about
hiking with your dog:
Watching them run freely with smiles on their faces,
they truly have no worries or cares, and it is a good reminder to all of us to
keep things simple.

Tips for people who are
new to hiking with a dog:
Make sure you always have enough water for your
pup. I use the Kurgo Baxter Dog Backpack for my dogs and they carry their own water
and food.

Interested in being featured on our blog or social media? Tag photos of you and your pup using #KurGoTogether.

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