5 Reasons Your Dog Needs a Harness
Posted by The Kurgo Pack on 4th June 2024
So, who really needs a dog harness anyway? As the dog travel and adventure experts, we get asked this question often and our answer is that every dog can benefit from using a harness! Maybe you and your best boy like to adventure out in the car to the weekend farmer’s market or on a road trip to visit Great Aunt Edna every summer. No matter the length of your trip, a crash-tested dog car harnesses will keep your dog securely and comfortably restrained in your vehicle until you've safely arrived. Take our word for it: loose dogs in the car are a hazard to themselves and other passengers.
When it comes to being active outside together, dogs that pull are less of a danger to themselves when wearing a harness instead of a collar. Perhaps you have a dog that loves to be out in front of you on your early morning run and although you really want it to be fun it’s just not. A sporty walking harness with front and back leash attachments will give you more control instead of feeling like you are being dragged down the street wondering why you set an early alarm to get up for this.
Always off in nature together? Whether it be biking, hiking, backpacking or running, an active harness is great for adventuring. Many active dog harnesses also come with a back-mounted handle that can help with assisting or lifting your aging dog. If you and your dog are constantly contemplating your next peak or back country camping trip, you might like a versatile customizable harness that you can perfectly outfit for your summit.
For additional help in properly fitting your dog’s harness click here. You can also shop our complete harness collection to find the right harness for your needs.
Feel free to contact our customer service team at any time with questions! Email them at info@kurgo.com or call during business hours: (877) 847-3868
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