DIY Dog Holiday Treats For Busy Dog Moms and Dog Dads
Posted by Chelsey Puffer on 4th December 2019
The holiday season calls for festive parties, time spent with family and friends, and great food. It’s no wonder, then, that it’s been coined “the most wonderful time of the year.”
Every year, we climb the attic stairs to retrieve worn cardboard boxes with the words “holiday decorations” splashed across the tops in weathered Sharpie block lettering. We enjoy traditions like stringing lights on the tree, listening to “All I Want For Christmas” on repeat, drinking hot cocoa, and of course, baking holiday treats.
Making holiday cookies is an activity bursting with sugar-filled happiness and nostalgia. Do you remember a time when jockeying for the honor of licking the batter off the mixing spoon was the best part of baking? There’s no better way to inspire feelings of community and warmth than preparing and sharing a delicious treat with the whole family.
For many of us, our dogs are a huge part of the family. They watch tv with us, snuggle on the couch with us, and comfort us when we need it. Although we can’t share our tasty human food with our pups, we can still include them in the holiday festivities with special Dog Holiday Treats.
In honor of our furry family members, we’ve crafted 15 delightfully simple holiday treat recipes. You can find all of them in our Kurgo Holiday Cookbook. Most recipes take less than half an hour to prep, so even the busiest dog moms and dads can get in on the fun.
Download the cookbook right HERE to get started!
Pro Tip: Need a last-minute gift for the dog parent in your life? Bake one of the Kurgo treats (we recommend the Christmas Cookies!) print out the Holiday Cookbook, and wrap it all up with a festive bow.
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