Dog Book Review: Jack's Journey USA

Dog Book Review: Jack's Journey USA

Posted by Alex Stiles on 26th May 2016


We love a great road trip - especially one with our dogs! This new book, Jack’s Journey USA, is the true life story of one dog’s adventure across the United
States. We met Jack's person, Dawn Celapino, last summer on this journey and were inspired by her mission to help people recognize how many great things they can do with their dog. We live the Go Together lifestyle and we love to see other people doing it too.

The book chronicles Jack & Dawn's adventure in their RV camper from their hometown of San Diego, California all the way to Maine. It took them through 25 states and over 10,000 miles in 10 weeks. They camped, hiked, swam, and paddle boarded along their way. In addition, they stopped and held dog fitness classes in many locations throughout the country. We were lucky enough to attend a few here in New England!


The author, Dawn Celapino, had a dream. As the owner of Leash Your Fitness, a dog
fitness business based in San Diego, Dawn has always enjoyed time with her dog,
Jack. Together they hike, kayak, swim, paddle board, camp and workout. They do
that in their business as well, but Dawn’s dream was bigger than that. She
wanted to hike with her dog in as many places as possible, and that idea became
the driving force behind their trip across the country. 

What we love about the book is the thrill and adventure that you can feel in
Dawn’s voice as she describes the trip. She writes like she talks, and you feel
like you’re listening to her tell the story out loud as you read. There are
also some great excerpts from her dog, Jack. It is so cute to read bits of the
story through his eyes, and those excerpts made me laugh out loud! Dawn also
added some valuable resources to the book. Scattered throughout the pages are
important tips about camping and traveling with dogs. In the back are a list
of dog-friendly campgrounds and resources as well.

There were moments that brought tears to my eyes as I read, too. Some of the
people they met, and the incredible coincidences they experienced on their
journey were extremely heartfelt - none more so than the moment they pulled back
into San Diego. I didn’t want the trip to end…or the book. For the time I read,
I was caught up in the adventure of their journey, and it was even sad for me
to have the trip come to a close.

If you have an adventurous spirit (or wish you did), if you like dogs and want
to do more with your four-legged friend, or if you enjoy true stories, then order this book on Amazon. It will inspire you, and it will remind you that dreams
really do come true!



Have you taken an epic road trip with your dog? If so, tell us about it in the comments below!

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