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Keeping Your Dog Hydrated in the Heat

Keeping Your Dog Hydrated in the Heat

Posted by Dogs That Hike on 30th August 2018

Summer is in full swing and with that comes the heat. It’s always important for your pup to stay hydrated but summer heat adds its own challenges. So what can you do to make sure they stay hydrated?

Always have clean water available

It seems like a bit of a no brainer, but for most dogs having clean water available will be enough to meet their hydration needs. Make sure there is a fresh accessible bowl of water at home and you bring enough water on your adventures! If you are going to be relying on water you find on the trail it’s important to remember that not all water sources you come across are good water sources. Bring a filter with you so that your furry friend can enjoy some water.

Offer an alternative liquid

Have a fussy pup who feels that water just isn’t up to their standard? Try offering them an alternative dog friendly liquid! Bone broth and goats milk will not only help hydrate your pup but will provide them with some extra goodness. Bone broth is an immune system booster and it acts as a great natural joint supplement. Goats’ milk contains natural vitamins and minerals that help support a dogs’ digestive system. Want to make it extra fun? Try freezing some ahead of time with a surprise treat it in for your pup!

Share some fruits or vegetables

Did you know that there are a ton of fruits and vegetables that you can share with your pup? You probably know at least one dog who has a love for carrots but blueberries, bananas, and apples (no seeds) are all safe for dogs too. Cantaloupe, watermelon, pear, cucumber and zucchini are all in season in the summer and have high water content. As with anything make sure you feed in moderation, too much change from their regular diet may cause an upset tummy.

Top up their meal with wet food

Adding some wet food to their regular meals is a sneaky (and extra tasty) way to help your pup stay hydrated. Most stores carry traditional canned food or you can make your own stew at home. Make sure that you’re appropriately reducing their regular meal or you’ll quickly see them putting on some weight.

Recognize the signs of dehydration

While we can take all the steps necessary to help keep our pups hydrated, sometimes dehydration can be a sign of an underlying health issue. Watch out for loss of appetite, reduced energy levels/lethargy, excessive panting, sunken looking eyes, dry nose, dry gums and loss of skin elasticity. If you’ve tried everything we’ve mentioned above and your pup is showing signs of dehydration please contact your local vet.

Dogs That Hike are based in the Canadian Rockies. Check them out on Instagram @dogsthathike.

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