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The Dog Race Database: Fitness and Fun Together

The Dog Race Database: Fitness and Fun Together

Posted by Brooke Spater on 24th September 2018

Are you interested in running a
race with your dog but aren’t sure where to find one? Bethany Merillat is
a health researcher who spent over six months identifying races that welcome
dogs and the result was a searchable database to help people find events near them. You can search by state or zip code to locate races.  Merillat
continues to update the database on a regular basis as she learns about new races.

Many people who run with their dogs find that it makes exercising more enjoyable. There are currently thousands of dog-friendly running races across the United States and the numbers are growing. Staying fit isn’t the only reason to consider running a race with your dog. Additional benefits can include the opportunity to socialize with fellow dog owners and sometimes the chance to enjoy food and refreshments afterwards or earn fun swag to take home.

Have you run a race with your
dog? What tips do you have for those who are just starting out?

Bethany Merillat, MS, MEd, is a health research scientist, and passionate health advocate. With a background in both psychology and health education, her work focuses on helping people live happier, healthier and more meaningful lives. She currently lives in Toledo, Ohio with her husband Brett, and their two Aussies, Boston and Indy. In her free time she loves to run and hike with her dogs (and husband of course), play the violin, and cook.

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